I want to pose the question whether TFA should consider raising the funds (read that ask for donations) in order hire an attorney or attorneys to intervene in the Davidson County restaurant case. Its a serious question and one that has been put to me probably 100 times in the last 24 hours.
Let me be clear, this is not something TFA considers lightly. It would be a significant commitment of time and resources not only of TFA leadership but of its membership as well. It would require more than volunteer efforts from a legal team although we would hope to obtain a discounted rate as a nonprofit from 2nd Amendment advocacy counsel.
Bob Pope has pledged today the first funds in the program which we are calling the TFA Constitutional Action Fund. It will require funding of at least $10,000 to get started and certainly much more unless the case is terminated early. We are also talking with the NRA about whether it will get involved. If it does, the interests are clearly aligned and the legal costs could be reduced.
The funds need to be raised quickly. If the decision is made not to proceed, the funds will be retained as I think the decision is that TFA needs to segregate and build this fund for the contingency that it will be appropriate from time to time to either file or participate in significant court cases and possibly federal court cases. Certainly, on the horizon such cases might also include involvement in an court review of the 2009 Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act.
The funds are going to be separately maintained.
We will have an account called the
Tennessee Firearms Association Constitutional Action Fund - TFACAF
Contributions can be routed to Rob Anderson as treasurer.
Contributions can be mailed to
Tennessee Firearms Asscoiation
PO Box 198722
Nashville, TN 37219
Contributions are not tax deductible.