We seemed to have done pretty good in the last session in getting long awaited legislation passed.
I feel that there are a few more that we should look into in future sessions. One is getting civil lawsuits fixed. If the State of Tennessee clears a person who has defended him or herself, then they should be cleared of all civil suits liability (like some other state laws allow). As it is now, civil suits can still go but all fees would have to be paid if the suit is lost. Yeah, how long would that take and how much fun would it be trying to collect?
This is one that has to be looked at real hard and an attempt made to correct.
Now for the dream fix. Like in some other states, how nice it would it be NOT to have a misdemeanor charge if discovered in an establishment that is posted. A "please leave" warning and a trespassing charge if stupid enough not to go would be more acceptable. Like I said this one is a dream and I honestly feel the chances are nill.
Sometimes it is just isn't practical to not patronize like most would say. For instance, if you were out with a group and far from your car and all decided to enter a posted business like a movie. "I'll wait out here", just doesn't make it .