by PapaB » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:46 am
The part of the parking lot issue I disagree with is the language geared toward employers only. We shouldn't limit this to employers, we need to include any parking lot available for use by employees or the public in general.
Here's my point; Why is another party given the right to decide what I can have in my car? If they're allowed to ban "weapons", couldn't they include tire irons, baseball bats, golf clubs, chains and various other items? Those items, just like guns, have more than one purpose, can be used as a weapon (or not) and they are not illegal for most people to otherwise posess. Businesses should have the right to decide whether or not they'll allow guns to be carried in their buildings, but not what I may have in my car, as long as it stays in my car. Allowing the posting of property such as a shopping mall, airport parking area or an employee lot should be ended. Providing decent liability protection for the property owner is a good thing and may even be what's needed to get this passed.
I'd also like to see the end of criminal penalties for carrying past a sign. Allow for trespassing charges upon failure to leave when asked of course.
Finally, let's stop the jigsaw law; Parks and greenway bans by individual communities. Where, in the TN Constitution, is the State legislature authorized to allow communities to pass regulations regarding enumerated rights? I know it's not in the U.S. Constitution and I doubt that it's in the TN Constitution either.