Yes I have seen this and things like it debated since at least the mid 90's.
I wasn't talking about an individual going on strike I was talking about 50% or more of the gun woners that work for a business doing it at the same time.
You are talking to a person that believes all citizens should have an assualt rifle and 6 mags with them and ready to go at all times as a duty to our country, and that anyone that doesn't is no citizen and should have no right to vote. Make no mistake, I am with you.
We didn't lose our rights in one legislative session, it took over 100 years of progressive policies and voters asleep at the wheel to get us where we are today. We won't get it fixed in one legislative session either.
There are a few legistlators that I hold in high regard ( Rich , Lollar , Todd and Ramsey ) I truly believe those guys are at least 95% with us, not just on guns but on laws as a whole.
I hate to see us go after our friends because they aren't with us 110% when there are tons out there that are against us 110%.
Besides we all know Lamar is the king of RINO's in TN. He might get offended if we try to give anyone else that title.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Ben Franklin