by Dan Lee » Sun Jan 17, 2010 5:49 am
I'm sorry Robert, but since you ignored my questions about the fourth amendment & why you can't understand SHALL NOT, & you had no comment about the raid maps, & several other questions that were posed to YOU, I'm seeing that having this conversation with you is a waste of time, just like the last debate I had with you. I understand who's side you're on now clearly. You're on the side of Big Controlling Government, & obviously you've bought in to the "War on Drugs" mentality that has never done anything but get cops & citizens killed. There are just as many drugs on the street as there ever were, if not more.. I don't use drugs, but I know an excuse for a unconstitutional power grab when I see one. You try to infer that I have some kind of problem with responsible Law enforcement. Funny you should say that when last night I was at my local Police station encouraging my local Police Department, & discussing constitutional issues with them, & how good of a job they do staying out of people's lives whenever possible here. I even watched a funny video of a pit maneuver failure with one of the shift supervisors on my phone. I have an excellent relationship with most Police officers. The ones I don't trust, I stay far away from.
So, your little dig at me is pretty infantile. In any case, as I've told you before.. You can go on letting the Government push you around if you want to.. You only mentioned cases where courts upheld these illegal searches, but you forgot that the Constitution & Bill of Rights are God Given rights, not dealt out by a Magistrate. "We hold these truths to be self evident". So I don't care what some libtard judge says. The limit is the constitution, & common sense. Common sense says you should not be bashing down doors & shooting people "by accident" who you aren't 100% sure are violent & that they have broken the law. In one of the cases on the Cato map, the information came from an Ex Convict/Felon. It turned out to be wrong, & a bold faced lie, & the police shot dead an innocent. If you can't figure out that widespread botches like this are insane & unacceptable, I feel sorry for you.. If you can justify the death of dozens of people in the name of the "greater good" then I feel sorry for you. It's akin to socialism in a way.. You have lost your way if you think that way.. The line is, if you break into the wrong house & kill someone, someone in that Police department needs to go to jail for manslaughter.. That will encourage the "mistakes" to stop.. But that isn't what happens in most of the cases.. If you'd like to be reasonable, do some research, & you'll find that some law enforcement is getting away with murder & manslaughter literally. That is unacceptable.. That any American turns their head the other way & acts as if it's just collateral damage, is also unacceptable, & egregious..
On the issue of drones.. They are much easier to hide, & fly much higher, they can stay up for almost a day, & have high powered cameras that take advantage of their smooth glide... They are a form of uncontrolled & unaccountable surveillance, & they do not shake around & make noise like a chopper. Why do you think they don't use choppers to bomb the Taliban & Al Qaeda? They are too loud & obvious! So YOU tell me, where's the line on being surveilled constantly by your Government? There is a reasonable expectation of privacy in the law, & the Constitution. If you don't get that, I don't know what else anyone can do to make you understand it.. Just because technology allows you to do something, doesn't mean you necessarily should.. My guns allow me to shoot people, but I don't do it just because I can!
Oh, one last thing.. I especially loved how you compared the accidental killing of a dog by Police, to what I'm talking about, PEOPLE.. I think you may a little problem with your priorities there..