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SB 0019, HB 0082

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:02 am
by cbusht
SB 0019*
HB 0082
(Full Text) Carrying firearms - judges. Authorizes current and retired judges who possess a handgun carry permit to carry a firearm under same circumstances and conditions as law enforcement officers and correctional officers. Current law allows law enforcement officer to carry firearms at all times, on-duty or off-duty, except if prohibited by federal law, court orders, or written directives of the executive supervisor of the employing agency, or if the officer is on school grounds or under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. (S: Gresham; H: Shaw)
Senate Status: Introduced 1/15/2009
House Status: Introduced 1/15/2009

TFA OPPOSES any legislation that tends to create special classes of citizens, particularly in an "off duty" or "outside the scope of duty" status. There is no reason why current and retired judges cannot take the permit classes - many already have. This is just seen as political pandering.

Is this opposition in keeping with the perspective that any "right" of these individuals should be the "right" of all?

Thanks, cbusht

Re: SB 0019, HB 0082

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:24 am
by johnharris
Generally, TFA has taken the position that the federal, state or local governments can and should authorize their employees/agents who need to be armed to carry a firearm in the line of duty - only.

TFA generally opposes the idea that certain classes of citizens somehow are entitled to a more expanded set of rights under the 2nd Amendment when they are "off duty" simply because of their decision to work a particular job vis-a-vis another citizen. Thus, the fact that an individual works in law enforcement should not grant that individual greater rights to carry a firearm for self-defense when they are off-duty than another individual who perhaps works in the water-department, in a bank, runs their own restaurants, etc.