by backwoodsman » Fri May 01, 2009 1:19 pm
well, the signs are there,,,, washington , and i mean D.C., doesnt like it ,when you pay attention to what they're doing,, how dare you , you lowlife, poorly educated, nosey, filthy, vermin, pee on citizen, actually question our motive's, we are the God's of government,,,,, and by the way those with that attitude,,,God , the real one, will get you for that, big time,,, soooo,they're a little uncomfortable, being looked, at,, that says one thing only, you need to look harder, and get everyone you know to look harder at them, they are so uncomfortable that their paranoia, induce's them to fear for loss of their position and even their health,, like,,, oh,,, hitler,, ect..ect.,, so they are panic'd,, but, remember boy's and girls, they're not stupid,,, they're gonna disguise everything they can and shove it through into law right under your nose, and if you dont like it,, then your a traitor to your nation,,, i'm waiting for them to strike down the constitution and re-write it,,, lol, you can't hope for the best, you have to do your best and encourage other's to do the same to protect us all from the thieves of the night,,,, these people will pass things through a clean water bill in small print at the bottom, hahaaa, ,, bottom line, everyone who says my one voice won't make a difference,, multiply that by millions,,, and guess what, your right, you dont make a difference, patriotism,, justice, the right thing,,, courage,, these things have something in common,, they are contagious,, just like fear,,,if your afraid to stand for your rights and freedom, then you dont deserve them,, just get yourself a coward t-shirt and wear it with pride, , ehhhh, i could go on and on,, time for lunch
"Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God." Benjamin Franklin
"The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus (Roman Senator)