Senator Alexander,
Please let me take this opportunity to express my deepest regret that you abandoned the principals of your constituency once again, this time in regard to your NO vote on the Coburn amendment to H.R. 627. Had you bothered to poll your fellow Tennesseans, I promise you would have seen overwhelming support for this amendment. It appears that you have chosen to decide for yourself what is good for the taxpayer that is your employer, and no longer seek, or do, the will of the citizens of your State. The only people YOU seek to restrict from having the legal right to defend themselves on the property that they pay to upkeep is only those who would obey the law, as the criminal has a permit to carry any and everywhere they chose. Creating gun free zones as a member of the ruling elite assures the criminal portion of our population an opportunity to ply their trade with impunity.
Pay attention to the legislation passing in your home State these days. If you would but do that, you would know that the home front is peopled by those who realize that Big Government is no assist at all to personal safety, and each of us is responsible for our own and our family's defense. The Volunteer State did not gain its moniker by shirking or shrinking from the responsibility to take up arms and protect our way of life when the need arises. If you ever truly knew that, it appears now that you choose to forget it, or rather deny the rights to the descendants of progenitors who willingly spent their blood and treasure for them, for no good reason that I can ascertain, other than to appear centrist or bi-partisan at our expense.
Shame on you sir!