Tivoli in Chattanooga

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Tivoli in Chattanooga

Postby MDTN » Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:24 pm

Just wanted to let everyone know that the Tivoli theater was patting everyone down recently for a concert they were having. They were also searching all the ladies purses along with patting people down. This was done to everyone entering for the concert. After corresponding, I was told that they discussed with their attorneys (owned by the City of Chattanooga) and that their policy was no weapons allowed, eventually they did clarify that this weapons ban also includes permit holders. So no civilian is allowed to defend themselves at the Tivoli. Of course, they have the faulty reasoning that banning weapons somehow makes law abiding people safer and justify this by stating it reduces their legal risk by banning weapons (their attorney's advice). Furthermore, they do NOT have any signs at the entrances as they are supposed to. They did have a note taped to the door that purses and backpacks would be searched, but they did not mention that weapons were banned. There is no way to know of this weapons ban policy if you go there (until you're inside being patted down and it's too late). The city's website does not mention Tivoli's policy (that I could find) and it was hard to find the proper email address of someone to contact so it would appear that most permit holders would assume that it's okay to carry in there since there is no sign on any public entrance to the contrary. I suggest contacting the Tivoli and expressing your disappointment over their refusal to honor our right to self defense and our permits. I also suggest not doing business with any place that does not support your right to self defense. If you want to contact them urging them to honor carry permits, the City's website is http://www.chattanooga.gov and the Tivoli staff email addresse is: landry_donna@mail.chattanooga.gov
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Joined: Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:09 am

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