I cannot understand any reason not to do it.
I do not know nor can think of any organization or any business that would accept an NRA membership card as valid identification for anything worthwhile. It is just a worthless argument. The NRA has millions of members. It is inconceivable that some of them are not convicted felons and other assorted evil doers. That isnt a reflection on the organization, merely a statement of odds.
There are millions of legal immigrants here who do speak Spanish. They represent an excellent potential market for the NRA. If they are not citizens, then their children and grandchildren are or will be. Where will these kids learn about guns? Hollywood?
People think that Hispanics represent potential votes for liberal Democrats. Nothing could be further from the truth. Immigrants in general come here to work hard and often start businesses. Anyone doing this immediately sees government intrusion, fees, licenses, and taxes making their jobs more difficult.
Further, many immigrants come from repressive governments where owning guns was not a right of citizenship. If we can associate gun ownership with the right of free citizens more, then we will have more constituents for RKBA.
Finally, the demographics of gun ownership and hunting are not promising. We are an aging bunch of mostly white Christian men (OK, I'm not
). If we do not reach out beyond traditional constituencies, we will lose the war on demographics alone.