Letter to Senators and Representatives for what it's worth

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Letter to Senators and Representatives for what it's worth

Postby Sky King » Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:12 am

I sent this letter to Representative Stephen Fincher, Seators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander. I know addressing Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander is probably wasted breath, time and postage as I have never viewed them as friends of The Second Amendment, but I have to let them know my feelings. If anybody here wishes to use any of this letter to their representatives in Washington, feel free to do so. I just ask that you edit it as necessary to make it from you.

Representative ,

I write today to address an issue that is of great importance in light of the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut.

This horrific tragedy has caused a great deal of knee jerk responses which history has proven to have no effect on addressing the real causes of these actions.

President Obama, Senator Feinstein and others have responded as expected and have proposed actions and legislation to re-impose bans on assault type weapons and large capacity magazines. Such a ban had ten years to show whether or not it could be effective. It was shown to have NO impact on crimes of this type. The massacre at Columbine occurred during this ban.

Two events in China, where private ownership of ANY firearm is illegal also show that taking away firearms will not stop such tragedies. In one event, over 20 school children were savagely attacked and injured by a knife wielding assailant. In another, a person armed with axes killed several people. Both of these events occurred this fall.

President Obama’s offhand dismissal of the suggestion by the NRA for armed personnel in schools is typical of his long history of trying to undermine our rights protected by The Second Amendment. This dismissal also ignores facts based on historical events, two VERY recently.

We rarely hear of these events in the liberal media because they do not help further an anti-gun agenda. It should also be noted that President Obama’s children are protected at their school by Secret Service.

A shooting at the Clackamas Town Center mall in Oregon was stopped when the attacker was confronted by an armed law abiding citizen with a concealed carry permit. While two people were killed, the potential rampage ended when the “bad person with a gun” was confronted by a “good person with a gun”.

In San Antonio Texas, an event that could have mirrored the Aurora Colorado theater shooting, was stopped with no fatalities when the attacker was shot by an off-duty sheriff’s deputy.

The causes of these tragedies such as Sandy Hook certainly need addressing. However when we choose to REVISIT FAILED strategies and overlook other KNOWN factors, all we are doing is producing a lot of smoke and mirrors in order to make it APPEAR that we are taking action. Action that will do nothing to effectively reduce the potential of another event like Sandy Hook.

The ONLY impact it will have is to impose further sanctions on the law abiding citizens who are NOT the people responsible for these atrocities.

To not address the entertainment and video game influences is turning a blind eye to REAL influences on young people who are impressionable. These factors desensitize young people to the realities of death and killing. In real life, when you die or get shot, you can not just hit a “reset” button and start over and everybody is alive again.

These influences are especially important when the person watching these movies or playing these games has mental issues or a person who feels a need to extract revenge due to his social environment.

President Obama has appointed Vice-President Biden to head a group to propose further restrictions on our Second Amendment rights. That is the wrong task for this group. They should be tasked with looking at the REAL root causes for these events and THEN formulating real-world suggestion on how to address them. If this group DOES NOT consider the suggestions of the NRA, then it will only prove that this is just “window dressing” and will be used to justify President Obama’s actions to further his anti-Second Amendment agenda.

Thank you
Sam Cooper
Memphis, Tennessee
Sky King
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Re: Letter to Senators and Representatives for what it's wor

Postby Newcomer » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:28 pm

Alexander and Corker don't care what the People of TN thinks or wants then to vote on.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:46 pm

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