Here is an excerpt from Rep. Tre' Hargett's "Week in Review" dated 4-1-2004:
A bill sponsored by House Republican Leader Tre Hargett (R-Bartlett) that would allow holders of concealed firearm permits to carry a handgun into restaurants and sporting events has been held up in a House subcommittee. On Tuesday, the House Constitutional Protections subcommittee voted against the bill along partisan lines, with 3 Republicans for, 3 Democrats against, and 1 Democrat not voting.
The bill proposed allowing those with handgun carry permits to bring their firearms into restaurants and other public places where alcohol is served. This would have included sporting events, golf courses and bowling alleys as well. The bill would not allow the permit holders to drink alcoholic beverages while carrying a weapon. Under the legislation, businesses would have the option of banning handguns by posting a sign. According to one source, not one of the 150,000 Tennesseans who have concealed carry permits have been convicted of a felony related to their weapon in the decade since concealed carry became law.