I recently completed a Medical screening questionnaire. Under the section named "Social Health" It directed the following:
Mark any of the following that currently apply to you.
1. I am single.
2. I live alone.
3. I feel very lonely much of the time.
4 i am a single parent with children at home.
5. I am having serious relationship problems.
6. I've recently experienced a personal crisis(lost a loved one, divorce, lost job).
7. I live or work in a high crime neighborhood.
8. My living situation is very crowded.
9. I am caring for an elderly parent.
10 I am exposed to domestic violence or abuse.
11.There is a handgun in my home.
I was required to identify myself on this questionnaire but was not required to sign something as to the veracity of the answers given.
A few years back I notified the NRA of such question and was told they were working to have that kind of question eliminated.
It hasn't been.