For background, you may want to review these threads…
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2942viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2991As I had indicated in the second thread above, TBI suggested I apply for a VAF with the FBI. I did so which included having my fingerprints taken using ink and applied to a fingerprint card supplied by the FBI – I had my fingerprints done by the Murfreesboro Police Department).
In yesterday’s mail, I received the entire application back along with a cover letter from the FBI explaining that they were unable to process my fingerprints because of “insufficient ridge detail” and advised me that before they could do any further processing I would need to have my fingerprints done again.
Has anyone else encountered this problem?
I’ve no problem getting my fingerprints taken again but I’m suspecting that the problem of “insufficient ridge detail” isn’t going to change and here is why…when I was electronically fingerprinted for my HCP here in Murfreesboro, the woman had a lot of trouble getting her machine to “read” my fingerprints…she said it was likely because I’m working on a computer and typing all day (which I do…I create financial reporting applications/databases).
Any suggestions, ideas, etc. would be appreciated…in the meantime I’m going to try a different police agency to do my fingerprints this time and hope they are good enough for the FBI; my only other option is to get “denied” every time I want to purchase a new firearm and then go through the stupid appeal process!