
List the restaurant name in the title. If necessary, use multiple posts to list multiple restaurants. Please provide backup support such as photos, letters, website links, news reports, etc. Please provide contact information when available.


Postby joesolo » Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:36 pm

Bonefish restaurant in Cordova has a sign now. It isn't a 'proper' sign to me but basically says "we respect your rights but no guns allowed." It is a small, raised gold letter plaque next to the door.
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Re: Bonefish

Postby tdfirearms » Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:28 pm

Bonefish Grill, Outback, Carrabba's, Roy's, Fleming's are all owned by OSI Resaurant Partners, LLC. I would assume that all of these will be posted if it is corporate policy. There was correspondence on another thread about Outback banning per corporate policy. These places have lost my business.
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Joined: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:23 pm

Re: Bonefish

Postby Louiewu » Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:18 pm

My question to all of the restuarant owners that have banned HCP holders from carrying in their establishments is simly this:

In the event that your business establishment is robbed and I am in some way injured by this robbery (ie physical harm or monatary loss, will your business cover my losses with either replacement money to cover what was taken or the payment of any and all medical bills incurred as a result of this robbery?

If the answer is no then I must make arrangements for my own defense which may or may not include my legally carried weapon, even in your establishment (which is open to the public and therefore not covered by the same laws as a residence would be).

If the answer is yes, then I would like to see what measures you have taken for that security or the insurance policy that you took out to cover what could be potentially millions of dollars of medical bills.

Your workers are covered by workers compensation insurance, your money is covered by robbery insurance, what about your customers? What are they covered by? They would have to sue you in civil court in order to recover their losses, yet it should be that you would be REQUIRED by law to cover the customers losses if you ban HCP holders.
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