I would like to Thank everyone that came to our first meeting.I was worried that the forcast of heavy rain would keep folks at home but that was not the case.Even though we are The Obion County Chapter we had Richard Archie from The West Tenn. Chapter as well as some from Weakly County.Interest of T.F.A. is growing in our area and I expect us to keep growing and becoming more active in this corner of The State.
Guest Speaker State Representative Judy Barker addressed some of the new laws that were passed this year and answered questions and concerns with those laws.I would like to say a special thanks to her for standing in front of a group face to face.Even though that is her job as a Public Servant some officials have forgotten that comes with the job.
As I said in opening the meeting we can not set a certain day of each month for future meetings ( because a third of the members work a swing shift) I will announce the next meeting through this forum,e-mails,phone calls,and media.
Thanks Again,
Butch Butler