by TacticaLogic » Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:50 am
Do we know from out of what city/county this is coming? I would like to investigate further if possible...
Questions to ask ourselves: Is there any statute that allows this action in the city/county in question, or is it just someone that is power hungry? Is there a law against providing a false answer to the official doing the questioning? Have codes been recently amended to allow for this action? Does this violate the 4th Amendment?
Suggestions to all: If you have your reloading equipment in a garage or out-building, make sure that you either put closed curtains in the windows, or cover the windows with the translucent film (sold at building supply stores) that allows light transmission but blocks the view of those that would try to "peek" and see what they could. (This is the kind of film used on the windows in bathrooms on ground level, usually has a frosty pattern or a diamond pattern that causes anyone outside to not be able to see anything contained within.) If you buy your reloading supplies locally, it might be worth noting the crowd standing around the shop before you take your items to the register. I wait until there is no one around that I do not personally know before I even pick up my required items. (I know that in Maury County, the building inspectors would hang out in the parking lot of Lowes or other building supply companies, watching to see who was purchasing a large supply of lumber - they would then follow them home to see if they had the "proper permits.") If you are in a mixed crowd, be careful of what you say regarding anything firearms/reloading related - you could end up with either of the two types of theives at your door: the criminal thief, or government thief there to require you buy a permit for your reloading supplies on hand.
This is just over-the-top... Storing gasoline for your mower in your garage is much more dangerous than storing powders in their containers within the same environment. Sounds like a "back door" way to get at those of us who believe in exercising our 2nd Amendment rights...
For training beyond the carry permit: