Expose H$US lobbying

Need I say more?

Expose H$US lobbying

Postby Tim Nunan » Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:12 pm

From: "Sportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance \(SAOVA)

A SAOVA message to sportsmen, pet owners and farmers concerned about protecting their traditions, avocations and livelihoods from anti-hunting, anti-breeding, animal guardianship advocates. Forwarding and cross posting, with attribution, encouraged.

Dear SAOVA Friends,

Lobbyist, Frank Losey, has prepared an email for you to send to your members of Congress. If you are just joining the Spay/Neuter HSUS Campaign and have not sent emails to members of Congress previously, please take time to send the email below. More information, documents, links to members of Congress, and a copy of the 119 Incriminating Examples of Excessive, Prohibited and Under-Reported Lobbying can be found on the SAOVA website http://www.saova.org/SpayNeuterHSUS.html.

Cross posting is encouraged.

Susan Wolf

Sportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance - http://saova.org

Issue lobbying and working to identify and elect supportive legislators

A Message from Lobbyist, Frank Losey.
The suggested email below requests that your Member of Congress personally ask the IRS Commissioner “Three Riveting Questions” that should arouse curiosity, embarrassment, concern, contempt or all four emotional reactions about how the HSUS lobbies - especially the third question!

The email discusses several different reasons that may cause an increasing number of Members of Congress to ask the IRS Commissioner the “Three Riveting Questions.” Those reasons are:

· First, more than 5,000 concerned tax-payers have asked the IRS to audit the lobbying activities of the HSUS.
· Second, the IRS Tax Fraud Office in Fresno, CA has forwarded the 5,000+ letters to the IRS Office in Dallas, TX which has the authority to audit and rescind the tax-exempt status of a public charity, such as the HSUS.
· Third, four different IRS Offices have now cumulatively received over 900 pages of incriminating documents that are referenced in a 25-Page Summary that is entitled “119 Incriminating Examples of Excessive, Prohibited and Under-Reported Lobbying by the Humane Society of the United States (A Public Charity) - - One of the Most Prolific, If Not The Most Prolific, Lobbying Organizations in the U.S.”
· Fourth, the 900+ pages of incriminating documents substantiate that the HSUS has been involved in 8-10 million lobby-related contacts and activities. This is a staggering, show-stopping, attention-getting number.
· Fifth, one of the most incriminating “quotes” is from the BIO of Mr. Pacelle, in which he actually “brags” about doing what is expressly prohibited by a public charity.
· Sixth, outrage at the Lobbying Guide for KIDS - as young as five-years-old - which encourages minor children to lobby on behalf of the HSUS, and tells them how to call Members of Congress.


Dear Senator (Type in Name) or Dear Representative (Type in Name)

The IRS Offices in Washington DC, Ogden, UT, Fresno, CA and Dallas, TX, as well as the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury, have now cumulatively received over 900 pages of documents that include extracts from the Tax Returns of the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS); lobby registration documents maintained by the U.S. Congress and at least 36 different State Governments; documents downloaded from the HSUS Website; and copies of Emails sent by the HSUS to its members and “network of volunteers.” All of these documents are chronicled in a 25-Page Summary that has been provided to the above Five Offices. The Title of this Summary is “119 Incriminating Examples of Excessive, Prohibited and Under-Reported Lobbying by the Humane Society of the United States (A Public Charity) - - One of the Most Prolific, If Not The Most Prolific, Lobbying Organizations in the U.S.”

The 900+ pages of documents now in the possession of the IRS clearly suggest that the prolific number of direct and indirect lobby-related “contacts,” lobbying activities, and prohibited lobbying activities by the HSUS; its President; its Executive Vice President; its Paid Staff and Management; its members; and its “volunteers,” cumulatively exceed 8 million (8,000,000), and that number may very well exceed 10 million. (This staggering number is based on but six of the “119 Incriminating Examples” referenced above - - The HSUS claims that it was responsible for the enactment of over “500” State Laws, over “25” Federal Statutes, and “25” State Ballot Initiatives; that it has over “11 million members;” that it has “sent electronic updates to nationwide volunteers, members, and other interested parties. In addition, the HSUS assisted in sending constituent Email and FAXES to Lawmakers through a functionality of the Society’s Website;” that its ”Program includes maintaining and expanding contacts with Members of Congress, State Legislators, Executive and Regulatory Agencies;” and “With Staff of our Government Affairs Section in Washington, D.C., Regional Staff in our Field Services Section Across the Country, and a network of volunteers, we are active in more than 40 State Capitols across the Country.”

Since more than 5,000 concerned tax-payers have now asked the IRS to audit the Lobbying Activities of the HSUS, would you please request on my behalf that, Mr. Shulman, the IRS Commissioner, answer the following three questions, and provide a copy of his response to me.

1. Are 8-10 Million direct and indirect lobby-related “contacts” and lobbying activities “too much lobbying” by a public charity?

2. Since the BIO of Mr. Pacelle, the President and CEO of the HSUS, that is posted on the HSUS Website, contains the quote that he has “helped to defeat some of the strong anti-animal welfare politicians in the United States,” does not that printed admission of political campaign opposition document a violation of the IRS provision that reads as follows: “All 501 (c) (3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any political candidate for elective public office”?

3. Is it appropriate for the HSUS, a public charity, to publish and post on its Website a Humane Action Guide for Kids that encourages minor children, as young as “FIVE” years of age, to lobby on behalf of the HSUS; that provides detailed guidance for these minor children to “contact lawmakers” in Congress and at the State Level of Government; and that, in the words of The President of the HSUS, that are set out in the Preface to the Guide, to use the Guide for Kids to “learn the basics . . . of lobbying?” (See Humane Action Guide for Kids at humanesociety.org/kids).

I look forward to receiving a response that specifically answers those three questions.

Respectfully Submitted,
Name, Address, Phone Number

The message above was posted to North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana and Texas residents by the Sportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance (SAOVA).

SAOVA is a nonpartisan volunteer group working to protect Americans from the legislative and political threats of radical animal rightists. It is the only national organization fighting this struggle for both sportsmen and animal owners, natural allies, in these arenas. Visit our website at http://saova.org for this program's goals, methodology and list signup details.

PO Box 612, Spencer NC 28159
Tim Nunan
TFA/NRA Lifemember
GOA member

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves." - Edward R. Murrow
Tim Nunan
Posts: 1250
Joined: Fri Jun 06, 2003 2:24 pm
Location: Russellville, TN

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