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When you encounter a "posted" restaurant, do you....

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:29 pm
by Fred762
A. go on in carrying concealed and eat a meal

B. go to another place where guns are welcome

C. go back to yer vehicle and lock yer roscoe in the trunk..where it is useless and also a target for thieves

D other

Me, I try to stay out of posted places, but IF I have to go into one, I seek out the manager/owner and politely but pointedly ask him to show me his armed guards. Of course he has none to show me, so I ask him "what are your plans" to protect me and the others when a bunch of thugs ignore his little sign... and come in the restaurant rob and rape??? Mostly I get some variety of.."I'll call the police"... My replies go something like this: well, the cops are busy and they are going to take 20 minutes to get here..the shooters are HERE right now..what are YOU going to do to ensure our safety?? They have NO answer.

Crowds of angry people are rioting/flash-mobbing in many cities this summer..not of course being widely reported in the mainstream what is the solution for the very real situation where big trouble is seconds away and the LEOs are [at best] minutes away?????

Re: When you encounter a "posted" restaurant, do you....

PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:08 pm
by benburke
I do what I did Sunday at Smokey Bones. I leave immediately and contact the corporate office of the restaurant. Thankfully, this worked and they took the sign down.

Re: When you encounter a "posted" restaurant, do you....

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:25 am
by EyeCnu
I prefer not to patronize such establishments, but the part of me that likes to defy such nonsense makes me go in and carry as usual.