Article 1,Section 26 gives the "legislature" the power" by law" to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime.
1.Does this give "city councils" the power to regulate by "resolution".
2.Our resolution reads,"This resolution does not prohibit lawful possesion of any hangun in accordance with T.C.A.39-17-1311 [b] [1] [A-H].
3.Is there any other group of legally armed people other than H.C.P. Holders that are barred according to T.C.A. 39-17-1311
[b] [1] [a-h].
4.Has the Attorney General been asked for an Opinion.
5.Should he be asked.
6.In my opinion these resolutions have complete disregard for our rights.
If i have made mistakes or left anything out fell free to respond.