New DNC chief wants to screen all gun sales

Moderator: C. Richard Archie

New DNC chief wants to screen all gun sales

Postby Tim Nunan » Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:49 am ... -gun-sales

The new head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is pushing for screenings of all gun purchases.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said the current law, which allows private firearm sales without background checks, is "outrageous." The Florida Democrat is sponsoring a soon-to-be-released proposal extending the screening requirements to all gun purchases, commercial or private.

"It is outrageous that gun buyers evade the background-check system every day, even in broad daylight," Wasserman Schultz said Monday at a gun-reform rally in Miami sponsored by Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

(more at link)
Tim Nunan
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Re: New DNC chief wants to screen all gun sales

Postby RobertNashville » Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:41 am

Only a year or so ago, I argued on this very forum that forbidding gun sales as "gun shows" without background checks would be a good thing. However, after more thought and more information I now realize how truly worthless the background check process is (as are virtually all "gun control" laws and regulations). That said and putting aside for the moment the simple fact that no free citizen should need government "permission" to sell his/her private property to another private party; this perhaps might make sense if background checks were actually effective in keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals, but they are not effective.

Even the BATF says that the primary sources of guns used in crimes are such things as straw purchases, disreputable FFL dealers and other such activities that (very) effectively circumvent the background system...then, of course, there is the problem of weapons stolen by criminals and then kept and used in future crimes or sold illegally.

Attempting to force more people thorough a system that already doesn't work could only make sense to someone with little to no sense and will only, as with virtually all "gun laws", impact the law-abiding while leaving the criminals free continue as always.

I wonder if this country, and more specifically, perhaps well-intentioned but nevertheless clueless legislators will ever start focusing on the actual problem (crime and criminals) rather than focusing on the tools they use to ply their trade???
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Re: New DNC chief wants to screen all gun sales

Postby C. Richard Archie » Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:13 pm

Laws only box in the law abiding just as locks only keep out the honest.
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Re: New DNC chief wants to screen all gun sales

Postby Fred762 » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:00 pm

We'd be better off with him "screening" his boss, barak hussein obama, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...seems we know nothing about his youth, college grades, Law School grades, passport records, etc etc....who IS that guy spending our $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and planning to take our guns?????
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