Carry in State Office Buildings, What about Parking Lots?

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Carry in State Office Buildings, What about Parking Lots?

Postby xlr8 » Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:10 pm

Today, I read with interest the news bulletin issued by John about the potential for carry in State Legislative Office Buildings. While this is an interesting development, it apparently does nothing to further the Second Amendment rights of law abiding State Employees who also happen to be Handgun Carry Permit holders. State Employees cannot exercise their Constitutional freedom of leaving a firearm in their personal vehicles while parked on State property at work since most, if not all State agencies, have human resources policies on "weapons" which State Employees must sign as a condition of employment. This effectively eliminates the State Employees' ability to carry a firearm for protection during their commutes and leaving it locked in their vehicles while at work. It is time that the Legislature addresses this and amend Tennessee Code to allow this to occur which would supersede and nullify agency human resource policies.

Any additional comments?
Matthew 28:18-20; Romans 8:28
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Re: Carry in State Office Buildings, What about Parking Lots

Postby Fred762 » Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:15 pm

Here it case some folks do not understand the laws, and it is simple...the 2A in toto:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Some definitions for libs/politicians who attended college: 
Militia....the whole of the People, except for a few gvt officials. [Not just the 5-OH or feds or NGs]
Regulated:..equipped and trained in the use of that equipment..
Right....a thing existing b4 the country was founded, and ordained by God. 
People....the population of able-bodied CITIZENS: men and women, [non-incarcerated]... 
ARMS....the various weapons 'hand-carried' by the average 18 yr old soldier of the Army. [Pistols, rifles, including the M4 rifle or the M14 rifle and their equivalent.. Yes, including light machine guns! Not nukes, not subs, not battle ships or jet fighters. 'Hand carried' is the key phase. See, the laws prohibiting guns for folks under 21 are..unconstitutional too.
Infringed..abrogated, lessened, prohibited.
Keep....Buy and OWN
Bear....Carry and shoot, concealed or DEFENSE of country, city, family, self and kin. 
The SOCUS can easily interpret various laws as they come b4 it..IF they do not meet the above 2A rules, they are UNconstitutional at the outset. Simple. 
We have ~~22,000+ "gun laws" in the USA...most are already UNconstitutional and should be null and void. And, yes, the RIGHTS apply to folks who have been to prison and completed their sentences and their parole requirements.. Thank the Good Lord that we have about 600,000,000+ personal guns in the USA. It is beginning to look like we may need them soon.
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