by TacticaLogic » Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:58 am
Having over 24 years in banking (I got out before things deteriorated) I can tell you that banks, in general, are pretty much anti-gun. The entire industry promotes a "sheeple" attitude. Every bank I ever worked for had a very anti-self defense employee policy. Robbery procedures are written so that the employee will survive only at the wim of the robber.
I never let anyone pick up my brief case - they would have asked "what have you got in this thing?" and I would have had to lie to them. There was a S&W 659, fully loaded, with 2 extra mags and a tac light. Yes, employee policy said no weapons on company property... But my philosophy has always been "I can get another job, but I only have one life."
Libility issues, yes. But it goes much further.
For training beyond the carry permit: