I want to thank everybody that came out to attend our first Meeting. The West TN area was well represented. Having to compete with National Night Out, showing the turn out that we did is indicative of the growing sense of urgency on the part of gun owners to raise our voices on behalf of our Rights.
News from various Cities shows that we must be vigilant with respect to those rights. Trenton has pulled a reversal of the Parks Ban, done so in stealth mode, not allowing for input of the populace, just as Lexington's council decided what is "best" taking the MTAS "workup" line as the gospel that is to rule our lives, without input from the Citizens. If we stand mute and accept the Ruling Junta's decrees on this issue, what loss of Freedoms can we expect in the offing?
We had Members from Trenton, Humboldt, Milan and Union City in attendance, along with support from Shelby and Davidson Counties. We have the beginnings of a very active Chapter, strong willed People willing to labor in the effort to protect the Constitutional Rights that we hold so dear, and which are necessary to gift on to our children, and grand children if we expect them to know Freedom as we have. We must foster the growth of our organization, to let the area elected leader know that we intend to hold them accountable for their actions.
I will post in the next few days, the guest for our next meeting. I am close to finalizing that event, and ask that each member that attending our fist event, bring a friend or three. Let's grow the base of advocates for our cause!
I would like to express my gratitude to Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey for making the long trek to speak to our group. Standing in front of us to voice his opinions, allowing us a view of what he believes to be important, and taking questions from the crowd proves his commitment to the Citizens of the State. It made for a long night for him, and I am very appreciative of his effort.