Grim Reaper of Gun Rights in TN: Still a threat
Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:18 pm
In my opinion, when we call our Reps and Speaker Williams, we should ask them why; "The Grim Reaper of Gun Rights in Tennessee" AKA Jimmy Naifeh (D-Covington), is still allowed to be in a position to hold up gun bills, considering his infamous record on our civil right to self defense.
The voters have chosen for his party to be in the minority and yet this 18 term poster child for term limits, "Speaker Emeritus" Naifeh, seems to still be ruling the House. This anti-gun, career politician should be as far on the back bench as possible, where he can do less damage, instead of being on powerful committees, such as Finance, Ways and Means.
Your Representative's contact info is linked here:
Speaker Williams can be reached at:
Kent Williams
Speaker of the House of Representatives
106th General Assembly
Office of the Speaker
19 Legislative Plaza, Nashville, TN 37243-0104
(615) 741-7450
Thank you for being informed and involved in the defense of our civil rights.
In Liberty,
Pat McGarrity
Director - Shelby County TFA
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
--Thomas Jefferson, Source: Cesare Beccaria, On Crimes and Punishment, quoted by Thomas Jefferson in Commonplace Book, 1774-1776
Tennessee Firearms Association, Inc.
Legislative Action Committee
HB3125 by *Todd, *Dennis, *Evans, *Fincher, *West, *Eldridge.
The bill was considered and discussed in the Budget subcommittee.
Naifeh wants to hold the bill until another bill dealing with the definition of restaurants is before the committee. He also had questions about posting. Rep. Todd stated that the bill addressed the posting issue and that it was retained in the bill.
Naifeh also wanted to discuss how the bartender and others would know whether the individual with the permit was armed. He was concerned about whether the bartender would have any liability if they served someone with a handgun.
Rep. Shaw asked whether this bill would allow anyone with a permit to carry into restaurants. Rep. Todd responded that it would so long as the property was not posted.
Rep. Odom was concerned that this would allow guns to be carried in bars. Rep. Odom also stated that he had talked with those in the convention and tourism businesses and that he was concerned that if this law changes that it would be bad for tourism and convention businesses in Tennessee.
After a lot of discussion on the bill - which as amended had no fiscal note and which should not have had any overview by the Finance, Ways and Means Committee - Speaker Williams urged the committee to vote on the bill and get it on either up or down.
However, Naifeh and others who clearly intended to kill the bill wanted to continue discussion and delay of the bill. Naifeh again brought up his local poll where he claims people are overwhelmingly opposed to the bill, that restaurants and hospitality interests are opposed to it. He again claims sheriffs, DA's and chiefs of police do not want the legislation. He claims (wrongly) that the bill passed last year was the most liberal in the country and that the one this year is even more liberal.
Naifeh offered an amendment to make this a local option so that local governments could opt out of the bill's coverage based on what the legislature did in 2009 with the local option on parks. Naifeh then moved to defer the bill one week so that an amendment could be prepared. Rep. McDaniel objected to deferring a week. Rep. Todd asked for a roll call vote. The deferral motion by Naifeh failed. Naifeh then insisted on a roll call on the deferral motion which was then done and failed 8-7 (pretty much party lines).
Naifeh moved for a roll call vote after the chair announced that a voice vote on the proposed local option amendment had failed. A roll call was taken and failed 9-6 (pretty much party lines).
A roll call vote was then taken on the bill and whether to send it to the full committee. The vote was 8-7 on the bill and it passed to the full committee.
What we get from this is that Naifeh and others are working hard to delay and defeat the bill. It will likely pass but the delay could easily result in a fatal veto. Calls are necessary.
Get the roll call votes on the state web site. ... ber=HB3125
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John Harris
Executive Director
DO NOT respond to this email address. It is used solely for outgoing mail and mail list processing.
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The voters have chosen for his party to be in the minority and yet this 18 term poster child for term limits, "Speaker Emeritus" Naifeh, seems to still be ruling the House. This anti-gun, career politician should be as far on the back bench as possible, where he can do less damage, instead of being on powerful committees, such as Finance, Ways and Means.
Your Representative's contact info is linked here:
Speaker Williams can be reached at:
Kent Williams
Speaker of the House of Representatives
106th General Assembly
Office of the Speaker
19 Legislative Plaza, Nashville, TN 37243-0104
(615) 741-7450
Thank you for being informed and involved in the defense of our civil rights.
In Liberty,
Pat McGarrity
Director - Shelby County TFA
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
--Thomas Jefferson, Source: Cesare Beccaria, On Crimes and Punishment, quoted by Thomas Jefferson in Commonplace Book, 1774-1776
Tennessee Firearms Association, Inc.
Legislative Action Committee
HB3125 by *Todd, *Dennis, *Evans, *Fincher, *West, *Eldridge.
The bill was considered and discussed in the Budget subcommittee.
Naifeh wants to hold the bill until another bill dealing with the definition of restaurants is before the committee. He also had questions about posting. Rep. Todd stated that the bill addressed the posting issue and that it was retained in the bill.
Naifeh also wanted to discuss how the bartender and others would know whether the individual with the permit was armed. He was concerned about whether the bartender would have any liability if they served someone with a handgun.
Rep. Shaw asked whether this bill would allow anyone with a permit to carry into restaurants. Rep. Todd responded that it would so long as the property was not posted.
Rep. Odom was concerned that this would allow guns to be carried in bars. Rep. Odom also stated that he had talked with those in the convention and tourism businesses and that he was concerned that if this law changes that it would be bad for tourism and convention businesses in Tennessee.
After a lot of discussion on the bill - which as amended had no fiscal note and which should not have had any overview by the Finance, Ways and Means Committee - Speaker Williams urged the committee to vote on the bill and get it on either up or down.
However, Naifeh and others who clearly intended to kill the bill wanted to continue discussion and delay of the bill. Naifeh again brought up his local poll where he claims people are overwhelmingly opposed to the bill, that restaurants and hospitality interests are opposed to it. He again claims sheriffs, DA's and chiefs of police do not want the legislation. He claims (wrongly) that the bill passed last year was the most liberal in the country and that the one this year is even more liberal.
Naifeh offered an amendment to make this a local option so that local governments could opt out of the bill's coverage based on what the legislature did in 2009 with the local option on parks. Naifeh then moved to defer the bill one week so that an amendment could be prepared. Rep. McDaniel objected to deferring a week. Rep. Todd asked for a roll call vote. The deferral motion by Naifeh failed. Naifeh then insisted on a roll call on the deferral motion which was then done and failed 8-7 (pretty much party lines).
Naifeh moved for a roll call vote after the chair announced that a voice vote on the proposed local option amendment had failed. A roll call was taken and failed 9-6 (pretty much party lines).
A roll call vote was then taken on the bill and whether to send it to the full committee. The vote was 8-7 on the bill and it passed to the full committee.
What we get from this is that Naifeh and others are working hard to delay and defeat the bill. It will likely pass but the delay could easily result in a fatal veto. Calls are necessary.
Get the roll call votes on the state web site. ... ber=HB3125
TFA is a grassroots organization. Membership in TFA helps support our collective efforts by covering the costs of the TFA website, its forum, these alerts, and other organizational necessities. If you are receiving these emails and are not already a member of TFA, I urge you to consider joining TFA because your support is important.
If you would like to join or renew your membership, you can do so online at this link JOIN TFA
TFALAC ALERTS - mailing list maintenance
I am asking everyone who receives this email alert to forward it to others in your gun clubs, shooting/hunting networks and anyone who you think may be interested in TFA or these free alerts. I want to try and make sure that everyone who wants these alerts is receiving them.
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When you do, the system should send you (within 48 hours normally) a 2nd email to confirm the request. You must also respond to that confirmaiton email by simply hitting respond and then send - do not edit the subject line because it will contain a confirmation code. If your subject line is edited or in some instances truncated (thank you again AOL), then the subscription will fail.
John Harris
Executive Director
DO NOT respond to this email address. It is used solely for outgoing mail and mail list processing.
Comments and replies should be directed to the TFA Online Forum
Membership and merchandise inquiries should be directed to lisaguthrie AT