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Nashville Channel 4 Story on Restaurant Carry

PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:04 pm
by Pat McGarrity
Thanks to TFA Member and civil rights activist, Nicole Renee' Goeser, for sending us this.

Please help to educate others on the fact that ANY business may prohibit carry now. This straw dog argument that the restaurant carry law would change that is a lie and just a cowardly ploy by restaurant owners who want to continue to have it both ways. They are afraid that if they post, gun owners will vote with their wallets. I will, and hope others do as well.

Then you have the restaurateurs that are more than happy to post just because they are anti-gun. An glittering example of this being, Randy Rayburn, the gun phobic, litigation loving, anti-civil rights activist that is still on his jihad to enable violent predators.

In Liberty,

Pat McGarrity
Director - Shelby County TFA