making time to shoot

Handgun for sport, self-defense and hunting. Anything on handguns is fair game.

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making time to shoot

Postby Hardtarget » Thu May 28, 2009 11:01 pm

The way my days go, even on weekends, I have trouble fitting in range time! We, (family), have some land in Lebanon. I have a good area to shoot and there are not too many houses near by so there isn't a worry about disturbing the neighbors. In fact two of the five closest neighbors also shoot regularly. So...that isn't an issue. When I get to the "farm" there is too much work that needs attention to ignore. By the time I get to a stopping point, its too late or I'm too tired. Seems like its almost dark...rush rush! Or I'm tired and can't make the sights settle on target. Ammo is too expensive to just throw away like that. I've said all that so I can say this...I GOT TO SHOOT last Saturday. We were doing some plumbing, my brother ran to town for parts, so I shot my .22 for half an hour. Red letter day. Its the first shots from that pistol in months. :mrgreen:

Now, If this time thing is not a problem for you guys...more power to you! I just don't want to hear about it... :lol: . I'm just whining because I thought it was going to get better...wrong. Shooting time just gets slimmer every month. Maybe I need to do my shooting BEFORE the work party starts! I wouldn't be tired and I'd still have light! That would work for me but I'll bet it won't fly with the rest of the group! ( they don't shoot )


mods...I put this here because i shot pistols. If you'd rather it was in "general" ...thats good too.
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Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:36 am

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