The Knoxville TFA Chapter held its second monthly meeting this evening and featured Sgt. Mike Voncannon, Sevier County Sheriff's Department, who spoke on how Sevier County law enforcement officers interface with carry permit holders. His excellent presentation prompted a lively discussion by members present. Sgt. Voncannon was quite clear that he, as a LEO, firmly believed in the Second Amendment and trusted the armed citizen. He also joined TFA and we welcome Mike Voncannon as one of our own. He also asked for some of our brochures to pass out.
There were six new faces at the meeting. Two were TFA members and of the four newcomers, three joined TFA. The question of carrying where alcohol was served came up and this is one of the objectives we hope to achieve this year. I ask all present to support the legislation when it comes out and also to write letters to the hotel/motel and restaurant associations to try and get them to change their adamant stance against a law allowing carry where alcohol is served as long as one is not consuming.
Our next meeting will be at the same location and time, which will be at Bob's Mountaineer Restaurant on December 2, 2003; It's 6:30PM for eating and 7:00PM for meeting Our speaker will be Cliff Bryant of TAC 2, who specializes in defensive pistol courses, and I believe, conducts IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) matches at a range near Johnson City, TN. For more information, come to the meeting. Plans for the December meeting include getting one of the local state representatives to speak and give us some insight into the best way to contact our legislators and how to get their attention and support.
To all TFA members in the Knoxville metro area, it's YOUR TFA chapter and we need your support to keep it going.
To those of you who attended tonight's meeting, thanks for coming and I trust it was worth your time
Bill Noll, TFA Knoxville