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he's one of us

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:22 pm
by lilredhunter
a taxidermist from connecticut decides to take a vacation to arkansas. after arriving, he decides to visit the local watering hole. as he enters the bar he notices all eyes are on him and there is an uncomfortable feeling in the air. the taxidermist approaches the bar and asks the bartender for a beer. after handing the beer to him the barkeep says, "don't think i've seen you around here before, where you from and what do you do?" the taxidermist answers, "i'm from connecticut and i mount animals.""oh," the bartender says, "its ok boys, he's one of us!"
Whats The different between beer nuts and deer nuts. Beer nuts you can find for about three dollars. Deer nuts you can find under a buck.