January Meeting, forwarded from Pat

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January Meeting, forwarded from Pat

Postby Sky King » Wed Dec 25, 2013 10:23 pm

Merry Christmas from the Shelby County TFA ! Thank all of you that have supported the Shelby TFA this year. We appreciate every one that invested their time attending a meeting, helping at a TFA event and/or contacted your representatives to make Tennessee more free and safer place to live.

In my opinion, a gift we could be proud of for giving ourselves would be a new U.S. Senator, preferably two. As best I can tell, the only U.S. Senators that did all they could in their power to deliver on their campaign promise to abolish Obamacare were Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul. Having voted for Senator Corker, I was very disappointed and embarrassed to see him on FOX NEWS criticizing Senator Cruz for having the courage to do what he did not. To add insult to injury, when I called his office to ask for support for Senator Cruz, the condescending woman there told me I didn’t understand how things worked in D.C. Maybe so, but I do know that Senator Cruz set the example for what all the rest of the Republican senators should be doing. While Senator Corker isn’t running for reelection next year, we do have a U.S. Senator that is.

Senator Alexander is running for reelection in 2014 and is, in my opinion, a case study in the debate on term limits. A few reasons why we deserve better representation in the U.S. Senate:

In one instance, Senator Alexander was to the left of Obama on gun rights. “I voted against this amendment because it goes too far” Alexander wrote in a canned response letter to constituent complaints regarding his opposition to decriminalize armed citizens in national parks. On May 12, 2009, Senator Alexander opposed an amendment by Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) supporting this common sense measure. In 2010, Obama signed into law a bill that allows loaded firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges. Alexander was the lone senate Republican to vote against the Coburn Amendment.

In a baffling move, Senator Alexander supported the nomination of the radical leftist, anti-gun Supreme Court Nominee, Sonia Sotomayor. Now a Supreme Court Justice, unfortunately. “Even though Judge Sotomayor's political and judicial philosophy may be different than mine, especially regarding Second Amendments rights, I will vote to confirm her because she is well qualified by experience, temperament, character and intellect to serve,”
- Senator Lamar Alexander, July 30, 2009.

In the last example of what could be many, Senator Alexander is determined to ram a national internet sales tax down our throats. A man of his education knows, or should know, this tax is a threat to one of the few relatively bright spots in our economy. I have contacted his office regarding his and Senator Dick Durbin’s (D-Illinois) proposed national tax and received a canned response basically stating that he is going to do this regardless of what constituents think. They call it the "Marketplace Fairness Act", reminiscent of Obamacare’s official name, the “Affordable Healthcare Act”. Supporters of this misguided tax appear to see a pile of money that they are entitled to. The bottom line is that the technical problems, costs and time this would this would burden on-line retailers with would force many of them out of business. How would that possibly help our economy? We need more responsible spending from our representatives, not more taxes. I believe government has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.

Tennessee State Representative Joe Carr is running against Senator Alexander in the Republican primary.


From what I have seen of Rep. Carr, he is worthy of our consideration. In the YouTube video below, Rep. Carr attempts to educate Al Sharpton on the right to keep and bear arms and states rights.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYKlNM9i ... video_user

I thought Rep. Carr handled Sharpton’s ambush quite well. In the next video, Rep. Carr is very clear on his stand on some issues.


It’s refreshing to get a clear position from a public official, rather than the canned talking points that try to be all things to all people. I’d like to give Senator Alexander the opportunity to start enjoying the generous retirement plan that we will be providing for him.

We have an excellent guest for the January 16th Shelby TFA Meeting and you will get more information that soon.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Pat McGarrity
At your service – Shelby County TFA Director
Sam Cooper
Memphis, Tennessee
Sky King
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Joined: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:44 pm
Location: Memphis

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