TFALAC ALERT: Urgent call to action - Restaurant Bill - SB00

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TFALAC ALERT: Urgent call to action - Restaurant Bill - SB00

Postby Pat McGarrity » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:43 pm

I have been alerted that the Tennessean ( will be running an editorial that is planned for Wednesday, January 16 2008, against Senator Jackson's bill to allow handgun permit holders to carry in restaurants so long as the permit holder is not consuming alcohol or beer. In anticipation of that editorial, I want to absolutely flood the Tennessean with letters (calmly written but well stated) detailing why it is necessary and reasonable to allow permit holders to carry in such restaurants.

Please copy me any all letters to this address johnharris @ (edit it to take out the spaces).

This is an opportunity to put some pressure on the news media.

If you have a sample letter that you would be willing to share with others who perhaps feel uncomfortable about writing, share it on the TFA online forum at in the following thread ... php?p=4138

Here is the Bill Summary:
SB 0023*
HB 0702
(Full Text) Possession of firearm where alcohol is served. Permits a person who has a permit to carry a handgun to carry gun in place where alcohol is served for consumption on premises if person not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions. (S: Jackson; H: McCord)
Senate Co-Sponsors: Beavers; Black
Senate Status: Set for Senate floor 01/14/2008.
House Status: Referred to House Judiciary Criminal Practice Subcommittee.


In Writing Letters Always

Be courteous and respectful
Clearly and simply state the purpose of your letter. If it's about a certain bill, identify it correctly. If you need help in finding the number of a bill, use the
Keep your letter or email short -- one page is best.
Use specific examples or evidence to support your position.

Use vulgarity, profanity, personal attacks like calling them liars etc., or threats. The first two are just plain rude and the third one can get you a visit from the Secret Service. Simply stated, don't let your passion get in the way of making your point, NO MATTER WHAT ALWAYS BE POLITE!!!!!!!!!
Fail to include your name and address, even in email letters.

Here is some sample language to consider:

I am writing to support SB0023 by Senator Doug Jackson. This bill will allow restaurant owners to decide, rather than to have the legislature decide for them, whether handgun permit holders are welcome in their restaurants. This only impacts restaurants where alcoholic beverages are served and includes many of our nice restaurants such as O'Charlies. The change in the law would not allow a handgun permit holder to drink alcohol in the restaurant but it would allow them to keep their handgun in their possession if they are drinking non-alcoholic beverages rather than being forced to leave the handgun unattended in the car or truck. Other states do not have this prohibition and there are no significant problems with such restaurants in other states. All we are asking is let the business owners and permit holders work out a solution that works for them and take this blanket restriction out of Tennessee law.

Please, if you chose to use this, make some changes so that the Tennessean does not get 5000 of the exact same letter!!!!

John Harris
TFA Executive Director
Pat McGarrity
Posts: 686
Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:01 pm
Location: Bartlett, TN

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