LAC 5-2-05

TFA's largest and most active local chapter.

Moderators: AlphaPatriot, Pat McGarrity

LAC 5-2-05

Postby Pat McGarrity » Mon May 02, 2005 9:31 pm


Speaker Naifeh and the House [liberal] Democrat's control of leadership
dictatorial control of the proceedings in the House of Representatives on
April 27 and 28 is apparently pretty hot news. Google searches on
combinations of Naifeh - Hargett - Todd - HB887 - 887 result in numerous
hits across Tennessee's blogs, news stations, newspapers and even the AP.

Get an index to many of these reports at

Thanks to Bill Hobbs and Blake Wylie for their ongoing coverage of these

TFA has reason to believe from Legislative sources that the issues and
strategic moves on HB887 are not over yet. If you can, it may be worth
watching the Legislature's streaming video of this week's House sessions
beginning today at EXACTLY 4:00 PM CST (we would not want to illegally start
one minute early now would we). Go to to watch it stream.

PAC Information:
TFA does have a PAC - TFALAC. Several people have made inquiries over the
last week about the need to take action in the 2006 legislative campaigns to
address such antics as we have publicly seen over the last week and have now
documented on video. The most important thing that you can do is get
politically active. Find conservative legislators and candidates. For
those incumbent candidates who want to be re-elected, see if you can get
them to tell you IF they have in the past and if they will in the future
vote to re-elect Naifeh as speaker - this may be all the information you
need to retain or remove that legislator.

Another thing to keep in mind - painful as it may be - elections run on the
fuel of dollars - hard currency - cash. You need to be willing to put your
cash where you soap box speeches are. You also need to consider that your
campaign contributions are NOT LIMITED to the House or Senate district in
which you reside. If, for example, you wanted to make contributions to
candidates in those House districts where Representatives Naifeh, McMillan,
Briley, Sontany, etc., are running in 2006 - you can do it (subject to
campaign contribution caps).

You can also donate money to TFALAC's PAC. I can assure you we will need it
in 2006 to make a difference. You individually can contribute up to $100
per quarter to TFALAC without triggering TFALAC's obligation to report on
you as a donor. I know that reporting requirement may not bother some of
you and that some of you cannot afford $100 per quarter. PAC contributions
are, however, sort of like mutual funds - the combined money of lots of
donors can do more in terms of speaking on an issue than lots of small
individual contributions with no clear issue attached to the contribution.

The message - be prepared to do both.

John Harris
Exec. Dir - TFA

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Pat McGarrity
Posts: 686
Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:01 pm
Location: Bartlett, TN

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