Please see the note below. Any way that TFA Members can help would be greatly appreciated. It sounds like the competition is desperate and more than willing to go to the gutter for their lesser candidates.
If this story has not been reported in the media, it should be if they will run it. I would think at least the Colliervile Herald would publish the story. While it could be kids with too much time on their hands, we are probably looking at an example of the character of the competition and the voters should know how clear the differences are in this election.
Please reply to me and/or Will and Cory with any help and/or solutions.,,
Pat McGarrity
Director - Shelby County TFA
Sent: 7/29/2010 11:02:57 A.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Haslam endorsing "CA" bashes gun owners again
Hey Pat!
I have a question for you and your members. We have had 90 Ramsey signs stolen from one polling location over the past 4-5 days. They steal them as fast as we can put them out and even on the same day. I was wondering if you or your members might have hunting cameras. My cameras are in MS but I want to set up cameras and catch the ones doing it.
The other question is if any of your members are interested in "hunting" the ones doing it by setting up on the location with a video camera and waiting for the signs to be taken and video tape the thieves. The collierville pd is aware of the theft so we can have them arrested under federal law if we catch them.
Please let me know if you can help.
Will Canterbury