After the passage of the law in 2009 amending the alcohol statute to create an exception for permit holders who were a) not consuming alcohol or beer and b) in a place that was not posted, Randy Rayburn (an apparent liberal political wannabe) and others brought a lawsuit to challenge the law. Ultimately, a court found it to be unconstitutional because it was too "vague" to adequately inform civilians and law enforcement whether a particular act might be criminal in nature.
We suspect that in relation to that lawsuit a survey was commissioned (read that as our opposition is raising and spending money to defeat your rights) on a variety of questions about how people "feel" or "felt" about the new law. It does not appear that anyone asked whether the new law was more or less consistent with the constitution but instead they wanted only to know how people emotionally reacted to the change based upon questions that may not have fairly established a factual framework for the question. Some might see a similar problem with a question such as "when did you stop beating your spouse" being ask when there was no indication that spouse abuse had taken place.
The survey results have been released to the news media and have actually been used recently by individuals in Nashville who were commenting on them and any proposed fix as being bad for Nashville's tourism industry and the proposed One Billion dollar proposed convention center (fiasco).
The survey is now available through TFA - . Please take a look at it and let's develop some good talking points in response to this outcome oriented trash.