Hi I dont post much here, but here is what I did on 7/23:
I Just send this to Sheriff Davenport
sheriff@jctsd.org (TSA President)
Hello Sheriff Davenport,
I recently recieved a letter from the TSA asking me to become a member. The letter begins "As a Handgun Carry Permit holder we know that you are a law abiding citizen, and worried about crime in Tennessee." ... The letter goes on to read that the TSA supports me as a Handgun Permit Holder. I would like to begin my response by saying that I have been a long time supporter of law enforcement, but unfortunatley, at this time I will not be able to support the TSA as a Handgun Carry permit holder.
If I may, I would like to explain my stance. The very first line of your letter to me indicates that you know I am a law abiding citizen, but yet in the attached letter (.pdf) your organization wrote a letter to Speaker Nefiah directly OPPOSING my right to protect my family in a resturaunt that serves alcohol. As a law abiding citizen, I disagree. The more "Gun free" zones there are in this great state, the more opportunities you allow the criminals to victimize the good people.
It is a well known fact that there are not enough officers to be everywhere at every moment, and it is also a fact that the thugs, and criminal element victimize the good folks in a matter of seconds. The TSA has outright shown me that they neither support me, or care enough about the citizens of this state to take a stand and be able to defend themselves, their families, or possibly another against an attack. Instead, they would rather me disarm, leave my gun in a car (where it can get stolen), become a victim, then ask me to support them.
I am very sorry sir, but this is a two way street. Until the TSA shows the law abiding citizens of the state that they TRUELY support them, and trust them as law abiding citizens, I can say that there is a potential that over 300,000 HCP holders may choose the route that my friends, and the pro gun communities I am a member of have. I sincerly hope that the law enforcement agencies and the law abiding HCP holders can continue the build on the common ground, which is to stop criminals from victimizing the great people of this state.
We must remember that the criminals do not follow the law, to a criminal, "No Guns allowed" means "No resistance here"
Thank you for understanding.
Thank You for your time,
Name and address withheld.
I attached the pdf from LegallyArmed located at: