Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Mayors Coalition information
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 1:20 pm
Got this from the NRA-ILA-Tim
"The NRA-ILA has launched the following page with regards to Mayor Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Mayors Coalition: ... px?id=2533.
"It contains a complete list of mayors who have joined the anti-gun coalition as well as sample letters to be used to contact these public officials. Please notify your grassroots network as once and urge them to contact their mayor. There are two types of sample letters - one to mayors already in the coalition, and one requesting the mayor not join."
"The NRA-ILA has launched the following page with regards to Mayor Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Mayors Coalition: ... px?id=2533.
"It contains a complete list of mayors who have joined the anti-gun coalition as well as sample letters to be used to contact these public officials. Please notify your grassroots network as once and urge them to contact their mayor. There are two types of sample letters - one to mayors already in the coalition, and one requesting the mayor not join."